Around the world, glaciers are melting at rates faster then scientist first thought. Many communities around the world stand to be effected by the world's melting glaciers. How will the impact of Greenland's melting glaciers be different from the impact of melting glaciers in the Himalayan Mountains or the Alps?
When you think of glaciers you think of beautiful gigantic pieces of ice located in cold areas of the world. These glaciers are disappearing at speeds that no one could predict. Greenland and the Himalayan Mountains are an example of this problem. The Himalayas feed people in India and China. When all the glaciers a gone a massive flood would occur and after that a drought that would kill many people would be upon the people of India. Greenland's glaciers melting is affecting sea level rise and some areas of the united states could experience over 2000 square miles of flooding and many deaths because they are densely populated. By 2100 sea level will rise by about two feet. This might not seem like lot but research shows that wetlands will probably not survive. This is a serious problem that we have to try to solve.
ReplyDeleteRonald BCDS
The melting of Greenland's glaciers and the melting of the Himalayas glaciers will both cause serious global damage. The melting of Greenland's glaciers will cause coastline damage to the U.S. especially the Florida coast. Water temperatures will rise and sea levels will rise over two feet. Melting in the Himalayas are different because they will cause different problems such as shortages of water. This could happen because a lot of the water flow comes from the Himalaya's glaciers and many people depend on that water. As these glaciers melt the rivers receive more water and eventually the glacier water will run out.
ReplyDeleteAnthony BCDS
The impact of Greenland's melting glaciers is rising the sea levels which will cause much damage. The rise of the sea levels will cause a lot of damage to the U.S coasts, especially Florida. Sea levels can rise about 2 feet if Greenland's glaciers melt completely. The Himalaya's glaciers melting will cause different situations than the melting of Greenland. The Himalayan glaciers flow water to rivers which are a source of freshwater to billions of people mostly in India. Also the meting of these glaciers could cause major droughts during dry seasons in India. The melting of Greenland's glaciers and the Himalaya's will cause major problems.
In Greenland, the glaciers affect the coastline places such as, Long Island and New York City. In the Himalayas, the glaciers affect places around the rivers. One example is India. The Himalayas glaciers feed the river named the Ganges River. If they vanish the river will dry out.
ReplyDeleteBCDS Seimi
When the ice melts off Greenland's ice it affects the oceans. For example, it will affect coastlines such as long island or New York. When ice melts off the Alps or Himalayas it only affects the rivers around it and no the ocean.
ReplyDeletePatrick BCDS
The glaciers in Greenland melt and flood the coastlines of countries, while the glaciers in the Himilayas that fuel the rivers. If the glaciers melt fster the rivers will have more water which may seem good but later there is no more ice to melt and there will be no more water and that will force people to move to water. The glaciers in Greenland raise sea levels and flood coastline cities. Beacuse both effects are not good, great measures should be take to stop it.
ReplyDeleteThe melting of glaciers in Greenland will affect many places near the coastline. The glaciers melting will also cause the sea level rise.If the glaciers in Greenland melts completely it can rise more than 2 inches. The glaciers melting in the Himalayas will affect the places near rivers such as India. The rivers in India are a source of freshwater to many people and if it dries out the many people would die. The melting of glaciers can cause major droughts during the dry seasons. If the glaciers of Greenland and Himalayas melt many devastating things can happen .
ReplyDeleteMelting glaciers anywhere would be a devastating thing. Glaciers melting in Greenland will cause sea levels to rise over an inch. If glaciers melt in the Himalayas, there will not be sea level rise, but it will affect India, it's surrounding country. Since India is the second most populated country in the world, many people would die because of dried up rivers due the glaciers melting.
ReplyDeleteChristina BCDS
Over time many glaciers have dissapered. Many glaciers have melted in Greenland. This causes sea levels to rise. From this Greenland has decreased and the North Atlantic has increased.Glaciers are also melting in the Himalayas.This does not have a great impact in sea level rise, it will affect it surrounding cities and country. If the glaciers melt here many people would suffer from drought.
ReplyDelete- LexiBCDS
The melting of Greenland's glaciers differ from the melting of the glaciers of the Himalayan Mountains or the Alps. This is because Greenland's glaciers affect the coastline cities because the glacers of Greenland feed the oceans when they melt. On the other hand, the melting of the glaciers on the Himalayan Mountains and the Alps feed rivers and streams like the Poe and Rine rivers or the streams of Chile and Argentina.
ReplyDelete~Iris BCDS
There is a difference between Greenland's melting of the glaciers in the Himalayan mountain or the Alps. The difference is that when Greenland's glaciers melt they will overflow and flood small cities along the coastlines of water masses. If the glaciers in the Himalayan mountains and the Alps melt, then the rivers that they fill will overflow and flood many homes and buildings.
ReplyDeleteCaitlin BCDS
China is one of the leading greenhouse gas producers where the Himilayans are located. Since greenhouse gases float in the air, this might be the cause of the melting Himilayans. This can cause sea level to rise. This is causing people that live inland and by the rivers to lose the water that they depended on for agriculture, fresh water, and farming land. The outer edge of Greenland consists of a ring of low hills and mountains. The glaciers slice valleys throught the mountains, that are now filled with sea water. This will lead to groups of people that live around the area, to no longer have fresh water to drink.
ReplyDeleteMarcy BCDS
The melting glaciers around the world is a large crisis and should be looked at more thoroughly. When you think of glaciers you think of beauty, but now scientists and professors are speculating that this may change in 30 years or less.For example, half the face of the North Pole has vanished.In addition, the Himalayas and Greenland are melting at such a great speed we cannot even predict when they will vanish. The affect of the Himalayas melting would result in flooding and drought for the China and India. If Greenland would melt it would result into sea level rise which would be catostrofic. Scientists have predicted that the average sea level would be about 2 feet. To us that may not seem like a lot, but it would causes massive flooding.This problem is serious and we need to try to find a solution fast!
The glaciers in Greenland and in the Himalayan Mountains are melting faster than scientists are predicting. The melting of these glaciers from Greenland and the Himalayan Mountains have different affects on the world, but it is caused from the same reason- sea level rising. The melting glaciers in Greenland will affect the coastline cities and states along the United States' border. These states include Louisiana, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, and one of the world's greatest cities: New York City. The glaciers in the Himalayan Mountains will affect the rivers in Asia. People in Asia, especially those from India and China, depend on their rivers for survival. If glaciers melt in the Himalayan Mountains, the rivers could be changed in two different ways. The rivers can either be dried up, causing a draught, or the river can overflow and cause the sea level to rise even more. Overall, sea level rising is a sign as a result of global warming- and our generation must do something fast!
ReplyDelete~ George BCDS
The impact of melting glaciers in Greenland is different from the melting glaciers in the Himalayan Mountains. For example, in Greenland, all of the melting glaciers are affecting the oceans sea level rising. Although, in the Himalayan Mountains,the melting glaciers are affecting the rivers near them. Many caostlines are vulnerable and scientist are predicting that global warming and sea level rising will get worse over the next 100 years. (2100) There are terrible climate changes and the question is, will it be slowed down or be reversed?
ReplyDeleteJacie BCDS
The melting glaciers in greenland are different from the melting glaciers in the Hymalayan mountains. This is because the greenland glaciers affect the ocean and the Hymalayan glaciers affect the river. This is all about sea level rising,and terrible climate changes. Scientist are wondering what the world be like in a few years because of the sea level rising. Global warming is a big threat to the barrier reef and the coastal wetland what will happen next??
To think that these amazing pieces of ice are melting at a rate so fast, it might not be able to be stopped is mind-boggling. The Greenland glacier is effecting the rising of oceans, and the Hymalayan glaciers are effecting the rise of rivers. Scientists do not know what our world will be like if waters keep rising, but if we dont stop it, it won't look good. The question now is can this be stopped soon and will we all be safe?
The effect of Greenland’s melting ice sheet is much different from the glacier in the Himalayas. Greenland’s melting ice contributes to the sea level and affects the coastal cities on the east coast of the USA. It is estimated to contribute 2 feet o the oceans sea level. While Greenland affects sea level the Himalayan glaciers are flooding rivers. The rivers depend on the water from the large glaciers. If the whole glacier were to melt at a quick rate there would be a flood then a drought would follow after. There is a large difference between each of these glaciers but they both have to somehow stop.
There is a big difference between Greenland's melting glaciers and the melting glaciers in the Himalayan Mountains. Greenland's melting glaciers are having a serious effect on the oceans sea level. The sea levels are rising and are affecting cities around the world. On the other hand, the melting glaciers in the Himalayan Mountains are affecting the rivers water level and causing damage on river banks.
ReplyDelete~Conor BCDS
The Himalayan Mountains serve a very different purpose to the Greenland ice sheet. The Himalayan glacier holds the third largest fresh water reservoir in the world after Antarctica and Greenland. These mountains feed water into the Ganges, Brahaputta, Indus, Salween, Mekong, and Yahatze Rivers. If this glacier melts completely then these 6 rivers will dry up. Greenland is also very important its ice sheet is melting into the sea and increasing the amount of sea level rise.
ReplyDeleteBrendan BCDS
The impact of the melting glaciers in greenland will be different from the melting glaciers in the Himalaiyans and the Alps in many days. The impact from Greenland will make sea level rise and long island will possibly sink. The impact from the Alps will overflood the rivers nearby and possobly dry them out. This will cause drought.
ReplyDeleteTyler BCDS
The melting of glaciers in Greenland will affect many places near the coastline. The glaciers melting will also cause the sea level rise.If the glaciers in Greenland melts completely it can rise more than 2 inches. The glaciers melting in the Himalayas will affect the places near rivers such as India. The rivers in India are a source of freshwater to many people and if it dries out the many people would die. The melting of glaciers can cause major droughts during the dry seasons in India and other places.
ReplyDeleteMatthew BCDS
Glaciers are huge masses of ice located in various places throughout our world. However, recently these glaciers have been melting because of our CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Two examples of this are in Greenland and the Himalayan mountain range. In Greenland many glaciers are melting which is causing sea levels to rise. This could have a serious effect on the eastern coast of the U.S.A. In the Himalayan mountain range melting of glaciers will cause floods and drought.
ReplyDelete-David BCDS
The Himalayas and Greenland's glaciers have many differences. The Himalayas feed many major rivers in Asia. Including, The Ganges River in India. The Ganges is a very holy river and is why most people are alive that live near the river. If the people that live around it did not have this river people would die because the river is their main water source. Greenland's glaciers have changed dramatically over the past few years. They loose about 3 feet of glaciers ice each year . All that ice has really added up. All this melting ice is causing sea level rise. By this sea level rising, rivers that use the glaciers fresh water are drying up. Also, oceans are rising and are causing floods and super storms.
ReplyDeleteSarah BCDS
Greenland is different from the Alps and Himalayas because when the water melts it goes into the ocean. For the Alps and Himalayas the water stays on land. The water enters the ocean at a rate of 2.4mm to 4.4mm a year. If this rate continues for over 100 years the sea level will rise over a foot. Greenland is also, different because it is a country filled with ice and water not just a mountain range.
ReplyDeleteAlex BCDS
The melting glaciers in Greenland have a different impact than the melting glaciers in the Himalayan Mountains. This is true because the melting glaciers in Greenland will affect the United States coastlines and the sea level. While the glaciers in the Himalayan Mountains will affect the nearby population. It will affect the nearby population by severe floods and droughts. Even though the have different ways of impacted people the are both equal in importance.
ReplyDeleteRiley BCDS
In the Himalayan Mountains when glaciers fall they go into the ground. This can overflow rivers and could dry them up after. This causes the demise of rivers. In Greenland when glaciers fall they land in oceans. This affects the coastlines of the U.S. This will be the demise of the East Coast.
ReplyDeleteScott BCDS
The outer edge of Greenland consists of a ring of low hills and mountains. The glacier sliced valleys through the mountains that are now filled with sea water. This has caused people that live around this area to no longer have fresh water.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth BCDS
The rate of glaciers melting is faster then scientist ever predicted. this is caused by pollutants in the air and is heavily affecting glaciers. Greenland and the Himalayas are some examples of this. if they melt this could affect the coast lines of countries all along the world. Also areas like India could suffer from floods and drought.
ReplyDeleteLee BCDS
Greenland is different from the Alps and Himalayas because when the water melts it goes into the ocean. For the Alps and Himalayas the water stays on land. So much water goes into the ocean that the sea level rises at 2.4mm to 4.4mm a year. If this rate continues for over 100 years the sea level will rise over a foot. Greenland is also, different becauset is a country filled with ice and water not just a mountain range.
ReplyDeleteAlex BCDS -Redo
"because it" not "becauset"
ReplyDeleteAlexander BCDS
As the glaciers melt, many villages and people will have to disappear as well. This is because glacial lakes will burst, debris and ice will fall in avalanches, rivers will flood then dry up, and sea levels will rise even further. Many communities will not have enough water, and crops will be ruined, as well as many power stations that rely on river flow. As a result people will have to change their lifestyle and even move their homes. There are fears the problem could cause tensions over inadequate supplies between neighbouring countries, and possibly spilling over into conflict. This is predicted to happen in the alps and other places with melting glaciers.
ReplyDeleteChrissie, ACS
Greenland has many glaciers and when these melt they'll cause many problems for the local people. The flooding that could occur in that area would claim many lives, and could infinitely cause many problems for many people. The flooding in that area could also eventually be diverted to the sea and this will sea level and possibly harm many other people depending on the amount of change in sea level. In the Himalayas, however, the melting glaciers could wear away the rock and cause other disasters that could force the inhabitants of many towns to be displaced. Lots of wildlife that lives on or very near the Himalayas would be killed or put into a dangerous situation.
ReplyDelete-Ian ACS