When we think of who is at risk from rising sea levels, one country that comes to mind is Bangladesh. It has been one of the world’s most vulnerable countries affected by sea level rise as a result of global climate change. The sea has encroached on the land along the coast in Bangladesh, and there is always a concern that it could one day swallow major areas of this country. Accretion, or the natural growth or addition of silt, is being helped along in an attempt to help Bangladesh. Where does the silt come from, and how is this country trying to divert the silt? What are some of the problems this country faces? How has the country tried to use the silt to protect itself? What makes it so vulnerable to the sea? Why is it so hard to tame the waters that spill into Bangladesh? Why is flooding of the coast a problem for the people of this country?

Bangladesh is in great risk of flood because of sea level rising. Silt is used in Bangladesh to prevent floods, silt is soil or rock sediments found on the surface of bodies of water. The silt in Bangladesh comes from the sediment that washes out from the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh is trying to divert its silt by channeling it to where it is needed. This country faces the problems of rising sea levels(floods), storms, and the sea water contaminating their crops. This country has used its silt to fill shallolw soup bowls of lane that is prone to flooding. Bangladesh is also vulerable to the sea because it is a coastal country. It is hard to control the waters that spill into Bangladesh. This is because the rivers change course, the banks shift and the channels meander. The flooding and being close to the coast is a problem for people living in this country because of rising sea levels, the flooding, the sea water contaminating their plants, and the more frequent tropical stroms.
ReplyDelete~Iris BCDS
Bangladesh is in great risk of flood because of rising sea levls which can flood their city. They need silt to protect the country because silt acts as a shield against the floods and does not allow the flood to go to high. Taming the waters that spill is hard because the rivers change course, bank shifts and channels meander at will. This is a problem for the people of this country because chances of salinity and sitation are increasing. Also because the water spills are so high, sea water is creeping into agricultural land causing the crops to die off.
ReplyDeleteMarcy BCDS
Bangladesh is one of the many places on Earth that is being threatened by sea level rising. A solution to protect Bangladesh is by using silt that comes from the Himalaya. This country is diverting the silt to flooding areas to create new land and to expand the coast so that the inhabited parts of the country are not harmed. This country faces many problems such as being prone to tropical storms and at risk of severe flood at any given time. They are using the silt to protect themselves by using it to fill in soup bowls of water that are prone to water. Bangladesh is vulnerable to the sea because it is located on the coast and since sea levels are rising it is likely it will be affected first. It is hard to tame the waters that spill into Bangladesh because the river changes course, channels turn in different directions, and banks shift. Flooding is a problem for the people because the salt water will destroy the crops and there will be more flooding and tropical storms.
ReplyDeleteAnthony BCDS
Silt is a naturally occurring rock in Bangladesh and it helps prevent floods. Bangladesh faces flooding if the sea levels rise. Most of the country would be underwater if the sea levels rose. People in Bangladesh use silt to cover shallow water and maintain sea level from rising. Bangladesh is at a low sea level so if the water rises, flooding naturally occurs rapidly. It is hard to maintain the water because oceans naturally rise and there is not enough sediment and silt to stop the flow of water on to the land. Monsoons in the summer time are heavy and stay for long periods of time which contribute to the flooding in Bangladesh. Flooding of the coast is a problem of Bangladesh because crops that are grown on fertile land are destroyed and people loose money and food. Also, people and businesses who live near the coast are affected and lose everything they have.
ReplyDeleteBCDS Seimi
Sea level rising is majorly effecting Bangladesh. They use the rich Himilayan muck (silt) to protect Bangladesh against sea level rise. Bangladesh has begun to place the silt the spots they need it to cover- land that is prone to flooding. This country faces many problems doing this. There is still much concern that a "swelling sea" could completely cover parts of Bangladesh. To protect itself, Bangladesh has built soup bowls to flow all the water into. It is so vulnerable to the sea because it is being flooded all the time, because it is on the coast where most of its water is. It is so hard to tame the water that flows into Bangladesh because rivers change course. The banks move position and channels meander at will. They even swell when the snow melts miles away. Flooding to the coast is a big problem to Bangladesh. This is because the flooding from the sea ruins all of the plants and crops that they grow.
ReplyDelete-Scott BCDS
Bangladesh is being extremely effected by sea levels rising. To protect Bangladesh from sea level rise, they use the Himalayan slit. The slit is placed where it is most flooded. This can create many problems for the country. There is a concern of a "swelling sea" that could cover some of Bangladesh. They have built soup bowls all around to let the water flow into it. It is hard to control the waters around Bangladesh because it is flooded a lot. The flooding from the coast destroys the crops they grow. Will they figure out a way to save the people who live on the coast, so they don't loose everything they have.
ReplyDelete~Sophia BCDS
Bangladesh is one of the countries that is most vulnerable to sea level rising. Few items are used to protect Bangladesh. one of those items is called silt. Silt is muck from the Himalayan mountains. Instead of letting the silt sit where it wants, Bangladesh is moving it where it is needed. This country also faces climate change. Silt fills shallow soup bowls of land pron to flooding. For the people of Bangladesh it is hard to control the waters around Bangladesh because it is flooded too much. Coastal flooding is a problem to Bangladesh because the crops grow on he coast. The silt method was originally not meant for stopping sea level rise, but the people of Bangladesh found it useful for protection of the country.
ReplyDelete~Patrick BCDS
Flooding is a big problem for the people of Bangladesh because the land is too muddy for people to live on, and the rivers are strong enough to wash everything away. The people of Bangladesh are hoping to create new land or stop it from flooding by keeping all the silt near the coast of Bangladesh. Silt is just muck from the Himalayas, but it can be turned into land through erosion and accretion, two natural processes. Apparently, over the last 35 years, Bangladesh actually got some land through accretion. Some people think it is crazy for silt to save Bangladesh. Accretion happens over large periods of time, maybe a few centuries. There is not enough time to save Bangladesh with the silt method. It is hard to stop the water from flooding Bangladesh because the rivers get bigger every day. Not only that, but there is more and more salt in the water. There is already salt water in the farmland and the coast of Bangladesh could disappear if sea level rise increases by three feet. Sometimes, the rivers change directions, it rains more and more frequently, and everything goes out of control. The silt method was not meant to stop sea level rise at first, but everyone hopes that maybe it will work and possibly save the coast of Bangladesh.
ReplyDeleteNika BCDS
Bangladesh has had many troubles with sea level rising. For the people of Bangladesh to protect their city from sea level rise they use Hymalayan muck which is called silt. They do not use this were they found it they use it in the places they need it the most which is in shallow soup bowls, of land prone to flooding, and to create new land of its coast. It is very hard to tame the spills of water in Bangladesh because the rivers change courses, the banks shift, and channels meander at will. They also swell when the clouds burst, and when snow melts far away. Flooding on the coast is a problem for people of this country because of sea level rising, vanishing of parts of the new land, cyclones, and tropical storms.
Bangladesh has been a great victim of sea level rising. One of great solutions would be, using "silt" which originates from the Himalayas. The country of Bangladesh is placing silt in the most suspected of flooding areas to expand new land to expand the countries coasts. They would do this so the living would not be harmed. Bangladesh may experience many problems such as being common for tropic storms and flooding at any time. What this country will plan to do is to place silt( a mud-like material) into areas prone to severe floods. The country Bangladesh is at risk to flooding because it is located on the southern coast of Asia. This problem is difficult to oversee because Bangladesh's rivers, banks,and seas shift or change coarse often. This will be a massive problem will increase into a global crisis and will spread to more countries globally.
ReplyDelete~Oliver BCDS
Bangladesh is at great risk of sea level rise. If the sea rises three more feet about 20% of Bangladesh could be gone. Silt in Bangladesh is mainly used to prevent flooding. Silt is a type of soil/rock sediment. The silt in Bangladesh comes from rivers upstream in the Himalayas. The silt in Bangladesh is being diverted by channeling it to where it is needed. One of Bangladesh's main problems is climate change which also causes sea level rise which Bangladesh is also vulnerable to. The country has tried to use silt by filling up shallow "soup bowls" of land that are at risk of flooding. Also Bangladesh has has also used the silt to make new land of the coast of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is vulnerable to the sea due to it's long coasts and the sea level rise. Taming the waters in Bangladesh is not easy at all. The rivers in Bangladesh change course and banks shift. The rivers swell up when snow melts in the Himalayas. The flooding of the coast is a problem to Bangladesh because it will wipe out a major part of Bangladesh and also ruin crop fields. Bangladesh is at major risk of sea level rise.
The large amounts of silt coming from the Himalayan mountains may help protect them from large amounts of sea level rise. The country has built shallow "soup bowls" around areas that need it rather then where they found it. The taming of the spills of water requires work for it changes course, channels meander at will and the banks shift. When clouds burst they swell with water and the same happens when snow melts far away. Bangladesh is prone to sea level rise an the vanishing of lands. Not only that but cyclones and tropical storms also effect the country of Bangladesh.
Silt is found in rocks in the mountains of Bangladesh. The people of Bangladesh would move the silt to flooding areas. One of the biggest problem that Bangledesh faces is the increased rising of sea levels. Silt is used to fill in shallow soup bowls of land to help prevent flooding or to create new land along the Himalayas of Bangladesh. Too much silt can cause the sea to swell and flood local and surrounding areas. By the water spilling into Bangladesh it is hard to stop the banks from shifting and prevent the rivers from changing courses. Flooding of the coast has ruined many crops and housing areas. Over the years, people have found different uses for silt, which will help prevent flooding and sea level rising.
ReplyDelete-Caitlin BCDS
Bangladesh is greatly affected by sea level rising. To protect the country the use Himalayan muck, also known as silt. This silt comes from the rivers that flow down the Himalayas. Then ends up in a crowded delta. Soon after that the sediment washes up in the Bay of Bengal. The people of Bangladesh have begun to channel the silt to where it is needed. This will help protect the country from sea level rise and flooding. Even though they're doing this Bangladesh still faces many problems. It also faces the problem of taming the water that spill into Bangladesh. This is true because the rivers change course, banks shift, and channels meander at will. Such as, frequent cyclones and intense tropical storms. It is so vulnerable to the sea because it is low-lying. Flooding of the coast is a problem for the people of Bangladesh because of vanishing new lands and as mentioned before cyclones and tropical storms.
ReplyDeleteRiley BCDS
Bangladesh is at great risk of major flooding caused by sea level rising. If the sea - Bay of Bengal- rises up to three more feet, an astounding 20% of Bangladesh could be gone -flooded-. The silt that comes from the Himalayas is mainly used for protection against flooding and sea level rise. Bangladesh can direct where the silt is bound to go instead of letting the silt settle itself. They channel it to areas where the silt is needed. It can also be used to fill up " shallow soup bowls" that is most vulnerable to flooding. The silt can be used to create more land along its coast. (Silt is a material such as sand or clay that is carried by water and deposited as a sediment.) In this case, it carries into the Bay of Bengal. The major problems that this country faces is sea level rising, flooding, and frequent storms. This country is also one of the most vulnerable areas to climate change and sea level rising. This is so because it is a coastal country. This makes it very hard to maintain most of its land. The taming of the waters that come into Bangladesh is certainly not an easy task. Reasons why is because rivers change course, banks shift, and channels meander at will. Sea level rise creates a major problem to Bangladesh because of the people located along the coast near the Bay of Bengal. This raises the risk of a tragedy that will flood its coastline, and perhaps more of Bangladesh as well.
ReplyDelete~ George BCDS
Bangladesh is one of the countries that is mainly affected by sea level rise. Using silt, or Himalayan muck the people protect Bangladesh. The silt comes from the rivers that go down the Himalayan and into the delta. There are several problems that Bangladesh faces. One problem it faces is that one day Bangladesh can be swallowed by a swelling sea. The way silt will be used to protect Bangladesh is it will be specifically taken to parts where this silt is needed. Bangladesh is vulnerable to the sea is because with the Himalayas near by, with glaciers melting, Bangladesh can get all of the extra water and eventually the country would be flooded. Taming the water that would go into Bangladesh would be hard because the country is already at risk of cyclones and other natural disasters. Flooding the coastline of Bangladesh would many lost homes to several innocent people.
ReplyDeleteChristina BCDS
Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change.Instead of letting the silt land where it wants,Bangladesh has begun to replace it where it is needed. This will fill up swallows or to create new land off its coast. The country is facing many problems. There is a concern that a swelling sea could one day swallow parts of Bangladesh. Process show that natural process of erosion and accretion have occurred. Bangladesh has actually gained land over the last 35 years. The new land is to muddy and slushy for people to live safe on. Also the force of the Himalayan rivers is so powerful that it can wash away newly gained land in one fluke season. It is also vulnerable to climate change, could harness some of the dark Himalayan muck to protect itself from sea level rise. Taming the water is not easy. This is because rivers change course, banks shift, channels meander at will.
ReplyDelete- LexiBCDS
A big problem for many Bangladesh residents is flooding which is caused by global warming. If the sea levels rise dramatically, most of Bangladesh will be inundated. Silt comes from sediment washed down the rivers. The people of Bangladesh use the silt to make dams to stop a flooding. Bangladesh is so vunerable to floods because it is at sea level or slightly above sea level. Flooding of the coast is a problem because crops can't grow and most of Bangladesh becomes inundated. It is so hard to tame the waters because banks move, the route of the river changes, and channels wander at force. Hopefully the people of Bngladesh can find a new ways to stop these floods and we can cut down on global warming
ReplyDeleteAlex BCDS
Bangladesh has many problems in their area and especially because of sea level rising. What the peopple of Bangladesh are doing is using something to block and protect there country from sea level rising. This is called, silt. Bangladesh is getting this silt from the Himilayan Mountains. They are trying to divert the silt by harnessing some of it to the places they need it in their country such as shallow soup bowls and land prone to flooding so that it will protect them from sea level rising. Some probems that this country is facing is bad climate changes, they are losing some of their land, there are terrifying tropical storms, flooding and sea level rsing. A scientist says that they could lose up to 20 percent of land by sea level rising. The silt from the Himilayas will block the water from flooding the area and it will stop the sea level rising. Silt is so vulnerable to the sea because it is stopping it from flooding the area and sea level rising. The task to tame the waters that spill into Bangladesh is not easy at all. This is because the rivers there change course, banks shift and channels meander at will. Snows melt thousands of mile away and then again, when the clouds burst, they turn the green and fertile grasslands into gray. The flooding of the coast is very dangerous for the people that live in this country. It is a very dangerous thing because it is among the country's most susceptible to sea level rise. There is terrible flooding in this type of area and also very bad climate change. These are the terrible events that are happening not just in Bangladesh but all over the world and it needs to stop.
ReplyDelete-Jacie bcds
Bangladesh is in danger of being flooded because of sea level rise. Silt comes from rivers that course down the himalayas and Bangladesh is trying to divert the silt to areas that can help protect against sea level rising. Bangladesh faces the problem of being inundated. The country has tried to use silt to create new land of the coast of Bangladesh. Flooding on the coast is a major problem because they face the challenge of their house being submerged in water. This is a major problem that has to be solved.
Bangladesh is being harmed in a very dramatic way because of a thing called sea level rise. The people of Bangladesh use silt to help them with all the water, silt has become an everyday must have item. The silt comes from rivers that flow down from the Himalayas. Bangladesh is trying to divert the silt by moving it to places that need it the most. For example, shallow bowls of land that are just waiting to be flooded. Some problems that this country is facing are flooding. Bangladesh is also trying to create new land along their coast line. Flooding is because the cities have been said if the sea keep rising the way they are today cities and people's homes, businesses, cars and everything else will be almost under water. This is why sea level rise is so crucial. The country uses silt to protect itself by filling in holes of land that can be easily flooded. What makes Bangladesh so vulnerable is because the sea levels are rising dramatically and are not going to stop if we do not do anything to stop it. It is so hard to tame the water because the people do not know when the next flood is going to come. Sea level rise is becoming more and more of a danger. In a result sea level rise and super storms can leave the people of Bangladesh with nothing.
ReplyDeleteSarah BCDS
Bangladesh is facing sea level rise.It is a country near India. One of the thing being done to stop Bangladesh from slipping beneath the waves. Slit from the Himilayan mountains is being diverted into areas that are the most prone to sea level rising the silt settles and creates new land. But those aren't the only problems facing Bangladesh.
Sea level rising is greatly affecting Bangladesh which is located near India. The country is being protected by Himalayan Muck or Silt.The Silt is protecting areas from slipping beneath the waves.The Sea Level Rising is causing many big changes to Bangladesh. Sea level rising too much can eventually turn bangladesh into a giant swimming pool.
ReplyDeleteMatthew BCDS
Sea level rising is greatly affecting Bangladesh, which is located on the Pacific ocean, near India.
ReplyDeleteThe part of the country that is on the ocean is being reinforced by silt that is produced in the Himalayan Mountains. The silt helps protect the borders on the coast from sinking under the ocean waves. The rapid rise of the ocean is becoming more and more perilous to everyone near and around the ocean.
Sea level rising is affecting places like Bangladesh, located along the ocean near India. Silt is protecting the borders near the ocean but a great rise in the sea level could greatly affect the lives of many, as well as pushing up the border of the country.
ReplyDeleteLee BCDS
Bangladesh is a country that is greatly affected by sea levels rising. The people of Bangladesh have come up with a plan to divert the silt from the Bay of Bengal and the Himalayan mountains to Bangladesh's borders. The silt helps to protect the coast from falling into the ocean. Taming the waters of Bangladesh is especially hard because the banks shift. If Bangladesh was flooded crops could not be grown. This is a very important economic problem. Bangladesh is becoming more and more at risk and if the rise of sea levels don't stop many lives could be lost.
ReplyDelete-David BCDS
A big problem for many Bangladesh residents is flooding which is caused by global warming. If the sea level rises dramatically, most of Bangladesh will be flooded. Silt comes from sediment washed down the rivers. The people of Bangladesh use the silt to make dams to stop flooding. Bangladesh is so vunerable to floods because it is at sea level or slightly above sea level. Flooding of the coast is a problem because crops can't grow and most of Bangladesh goes under water . It is so hard to tame the waters because banks move, the route of the river changes, and channels wander at force. Hopefully the people of Bangladesh can find a new way to stop these floods.
ReplyDeleteAlexander BCDS -Redo
Bangladesh is one of the most affected areas of sea level rise. The country is dealing with it by controling silts to fill in low-lying lands vulnuable to flooding and to create new land off its long, exposed coast. The problem that this country faces is that the swelling sea could one day swallow parts of Bangladesh. Another problem that Bangladesh has is that the new land created by the silt is too muddy for people to safely live on the force of the Himalayan rivers is so powerful that it can wash away newly gained land in one season.
ReplyDelete-Elizabeth BCDS
Bangladesh is one of the most affected areas of sea level rise. The country is dealing with it by controling silts to fill in low-lying lands vulnurable to flooding and to create new land off its long, exposed coast. The problem that this country faces is that the swelling sea could one day swallow parts of Bangladesh. Another problem that Bangladesh has is that the new land created by the silt is too muddy for people to safely live on the force of the Himalayan rivers is so powerful that it can wash away newly gained land in one season.
ReplyDelete-Elizabeth BCDS
Bangladesh is one of the many countries that is having a major sea level rising problem. The silt comes from the Himalayan Mountains. The country is trying to divert the silt to areas where it is needed.The country faces many problems such as sea level rising.Bangladesh is trying to use the silt to build up the land.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to tame water in Bangladesh because the river changes course a lot. Flooding is a problem for the coast and is making most of the coast disappear.
~Conor BCDS
With the rising sea levels, brakish water is ruining crops and rice paddies in Bangladesh. The fertile, flat land is being renderd useless. A one meter rise in sea levels would inundate 20% of the country's landmass.
ReplyDelete~Kirsten D.A.
Is this an article that we should be reading?
ReplyDeleteBangladesh experiences constant flooding due to sea level rise. This country faces many problems due to floods. These include: roads, railways and bridges destroyed and parts of the country were without electricity and safe drinking water for weeks.
ReplyDeleteShaaz ACS